Monday, January 26, 2009

Jason's interesting birthday cake....

So for Jason's birthday I made a cake. My mom came and help me make it. Its not exactly the best looking cake ever but Jason sure loved it and we had alot of fun making it. In the picutre it just looks like a big blob of something which in all honestly that's pretty much just what it was. haha!!!

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Hardware Ranch

For Jason's birthday and a little family outing we went to Hardware Ranch. It was so cold and there were so many people, but we didn't mind we were just all out having a great time as family. It was my niece and nephews first time there and they had a blast!! Hopefully we will go every year!

Click to play Hardware Ranch

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Last night we had a Concealed Weapons Permit you better watch out cuz I can pack a gun soon. Haha. I would recommend the class to everyone. It was very insightful, I sure learned alot.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

TeMpLe SqUaRe.....

So right before new years we got together with Jason's family and went to temple square. It was such a COOLLLLDD night but it was soo beautiful!!

tHe NaTiViTy...

Well I have alot of catching up to do. So we had a little party with my family before Christmas and we decided to go to a Nativity that they had set up in Nibley. They had a whole bunch of different animals there. Including a huge camel with the name of Moses. They had the nativity set up and a hay ride with lots of hot chocolate. We had so much fun just being with family.....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

4 MoNtHs

Well this is my first post. I can't believe we have already been married for 4 months!! I sure loved being married and can't wait to be married for eternity :) Here are a few memories from our wedding.....